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Auteur(s) Henderson, K., Tilbury, D.
Jaar 2006
Uitgever Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability, Macquarie University

This research study documents several national initiatives, such as Enviroschools, New Zealand; Green School Award, Sweden; Green Schools, China; and the international programs of FEE Eco-schools and ENSI Eco schools. It is our intention to review these experiences of wholeschool approaches to sustainability in order to address the following questions: What does a sustainable school look like? Is there a formula for 'how' to run an effective and wide-reaching whole-school sustainability program? Is there evidence of effective methods to engage the community in these endeavours? What are the critical success components of whole-school sustainability programs?

Plaats van uitgave North Ryde, N.S.W.
Pagina's 70
Doelgroepen Onderwijs
Inhoud van NME duurzaamheid (duurzame ontwikkeling), internationaal (samenwerking/wereldburgerschap), whole school approach (WSA)
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