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Organisatie Global Education Monitoring Report Team
Jaar 2016
Uitgever Unesco

Poster showing exactly what is meant by a ‘whole school approach’ to sustainability. As students spend significant time in the classroom, schools and universities are increasingly called upon to act as role models for sustainable development. The whole school approach to environmental education and learning for sustainability incorporates all aspects of a school: curriculum, extracurricular activities, teacher training, human resources, infrastructure, operations and processes.

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Doelgroepen Onderwijs
Inhoud van NME duurzaamheid (duurzame ontwikkeling), ecologische basisvorming, (groene) schoolomgeving/schoolpleinen, internationaal (samenwerking/wereldburgerschap), whole school approach (WSA)
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Externe link https://gemreportunesco.wordpress.com/2016/11/15/what-is-the-whole-school-approach-to-environmental-education/