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Auteur(s) Iliukhina, Nona (organisation); Nispen tot Pannerden, Hak van (coordination)
Organisatie SME; UNECE Steering committee on Esd
Jaar 2022
Uitgever SME

The Whole School Approach for sustainable development is a framework that supports schools to shape education for a sustainable future, in consultation with all stakeholders and interested parties in and around the school. The WSA helps to structurally and coherently integrate sustainability issues into the school organisation. At the 16th meeting of UNECE Steering Committee on Education for Sustainable Development and the UNESCO World conference on ESD in Berlin the Whole School Approach was adopted as instrument for implementation of ESD. Over 75 ministers agreed on this for their countries. A next step on this route is to share best practices and discuss opportunities for implementation at schools. Therefore, in cooperation with the Government of The Netherlands, UNECE has organised a conference at the end of March 2022 with the title ‘Implementation of the WSA/WIA’. This conference report provides summaries of the presentations, held on this conference, and contains links to the slides and to the video recordings of the presentations.

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Pagina's 29
Doelgroepen Onderwijs
Inhoud van NME duurzaamheid (duurzame ontwikkeling), internationaal (samenwerking/wereldburgerschap), whole school approach (WSA)
Pedagogiek/didactiek professionalisering (kwaliteit), systeemdenken, waarden (-vorming, ethiek)
Educatieve voorzieningen maatschappelijke verankering, NME-instellingen
Documenttype congresverslag
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Externe link https://sme.nl/bibliotheek/verslag/report-whole-school-approach-conference-2022