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Auteur(s) Aldridge, D.
Jaar 1975
Uitgever Her Majesty's Stationery Office

This is a reference book prepared by the Countryside Commission for Scotland and in its five chapters it covers the philosophy and principles of interpretation as well as practical information and guidance. Considered as a tool in efficient management of the countryside, interpretation is scrutinized: the what, why, when, where and how of interpretative planning and its utilization are discussed in the core of the guide. Assessing standards in countryside interpretation and the future are the subjects of the final chapters.

Plaats van uitgave Edinburgh
Pagina's 40
Doelgroepen HBO, Burgers
Inhoud van NME internationaal (samenwerking/wereldburgerschap), landschap, natuurbeleving
Documenttype boek
Externe link http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/898906340
Beschikbaar in bibliotheek Heimans & Thijsse Stichting - Plantage Middenlaan 2C - 1018 DD Amsterdam - www.heimansenthijssestichting.nl