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Auteur(s) Lewis, W.J.
Jaar 1981
Uitgever Publishing Center for Cultural Resources

Today, interpretation in the National Park Service is overseen, on behalf of the Director, by a Chief of Inter-pretation and Visitor Services in Washington, D. C., as wel as by Chiefs of Interpretation and Visitor Services in Regional Offices. Further, each park area designates someone to supervise this vital function. From this interpretive tradition carne the need for instructional materials to help interpreters improve their communication with park visitors. Over the years, a variety of pamphlets were produced on the art of giving campfire talks, guided walks, historical interpretation, etc. Some of the material from those earlier training manuals has been incorporated into this one. In the section which follows, you'll find some basic principles that apply to all kinds of interpretation. In the final section, specific application of these principles is discussed. lt is hoped that these materials will help you become an outstanding interpreter.

Plaats van uitgave S.l.
Pagina's 164
Doelgroepen Volwassenen, Vrijwilligers
Educatieve voorzieningen informatievoorziening , Nationale parken
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